Our local partners

Local grass-fed and pasture-raised meats

(Durham, NC) Rooted Tree Farm is passionate about stewarding healthy forest ecology. They produce small batch pasture and forest-raised hogs living in a regenerative ecosystem. The pigs are born on the property, move to a fresh paddock every few days, eat a custom-milled, soy free, corn free, non-GMO, NC-grown fermented feed, and live a life of leisure and belly rubs. The quality of their life and diet shines through in the texture and flavor of their meat and fat. Along with raising healthy, happy hogs, Rooted Tree is creating a U-Pick destination for community members to visit and learn about agroforestry. We feature their pork liver, kidney and hearts in our Grass Fed Organ Dog Treats.

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(Durham, NC) Easihorse Farm is a queer-owned and beautifully eclectic animal farm, featuring horseback riding lessons, outdoor summer camps and on-farm tourism visits. They maintain small-scale and carefully tended herds of pastured beef, pork and lamb sold through their Meaty Bites and Sweet Delights CSA program (find it on Instagram). Their crew of adorably sweet working dogs are big time fans of Gracie’s Treats and are always sure to meet us at the car for some goodies! We feature their pork and beef liver, kidney and hearts in our Grass Fed Organ Dog Treats.

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